Tuesday, August 02, 2011

5 july 2011

More thoughts about alien abductions

ah know that my explanation is a bit too pat, and can't explain away everything. ah came up with that theory more for the fun of imagining arab aliens.

brazilians get abducted too. it seems the alien abductors in latin america tend to have more of a "monster" shape.

indians don't usually get abducted by aliens. most of the time it turns out the alien was an elder brother, cousins or uncle who was trying to force them to sign papers relinquishing their share of the sugar cane field or of the family business. nah, just joking.

i don't know about chinese but i do remember an article at some time in 2000 in the ( english) press in beijing noting that a worker reported having been abducted by aliens. it would be fascinating to know how the chinese abductees see aliens.

basically when it comes to ufo's, i tend to follow jacques vallee's theory. he's an astronomer who's done some serious research on the phenomenon. i haven't read his books, but some interviews and articles. he notes that alien apparitions tend, over the centuries, to have a technology which is slightly beyond that of that historical period. in the middle ages, they are described as having "chariots of fire". in the 1896-7 and the 1909 waves of ufo sightings, it was airships ( blimps). then after 1945 it was flying saucers.

his theory - but like i said before, i haven't read his book, so i am relying on summaries of his thought - is that these beings come from some place maybe on earth itself, or maybe from some other dimension, and that they've been hanging around with people since many centuries. the reason why the shape of their vehicles changes could be either that their own technology is also evolving, always ahead of ours, or that we see their vehicles according to our cultural conditioning.

vallee wrote a book called passport to magonia, which is focused on the fairy lore of the celts, especially on how they tend to bring some people to their fairyland, called magonia. he proposes that these fairies and modern aliens are the same beings.

as an extrapolation from his theory, i would guess that aliens do tend to get laid with humans, and have been doing so since millenium, and that there's lots of people around who carry alien genes. ah mean, the celts say that the fairies do like to get laid with some country lads, and get children with them. alien abductions also feature lot of probing of genital parts.

some problem with his theory are that:

(i) if i do remember well, we do have 19th century reports from seamen, saying that they saw disks in the sky while in the open sea. there's also a description of a flying disk by a himalayan explorer early in the 20th century

(ii) the mystery airship sighting of 1896-7 was somewhere in west US, and could have been due to some solitary inventor having invented a prototype airship. there were some people inventing airships in those days.

but anyway, i'm interested in jacques vallee. from what i read about him, it seems he got into the ufo phenomenon at some time in the 1950's, when he was working in a space observatory and he presented to his boss a report that an unknown object had left earth and gone into space, but in a trajectory opposite to the rotation of the earth, which was impossible at the time. it seems that for some reason, you consume more energy if you enter outer space in a trajectory opposite to the rotation of the earth, and early rockets couldn't do that. his boss told him that if they sent this report to the americans, they would be ridiculed, and told him to throw away that report.

the french scientist in spielberg's "strange encounters of the third kind" is inspired from jacques vallee

30 june 2011

alien abductions - my personal theory

i have a personal theory regarding alien abductions. according to wikipedia, studies on alien abductees show that american abductees tend to describe the aliens as small, grey, with strange shaped eyes ( the famous "small grey aliens").

british abductees tend to describe them as tall, blond and athletic.

so my theory is that alien abductions reflect fear of invasion by foreigners. in the case of the US, it has been at war consecutively with three "yellow" people: the japanese ( world war 2), the north koreans and chinese ( korean war), the north vietnamese ( vietnam war). during the same time, the repeal of the chinese exclusion act in the 1950's meant that chinese people started to immigrate to the US. there were also influx of vietnamese, cambodian, laotian, korean refugees.

the alien abduction phenomenon would therefore reflect fear of invasion by the yellow race, and the grey alien would be a caricature of the asian race: small, frail, with strange eyes.

for the british, the battle of britain has been a defining moment in their recent history. there are endless programmes on tv commemorating that moment when the royal air force shot down the luftwaffe. the role of great britain as the saviour of europe in world war 2 is always celeberated in the press, books, tv.and thus we see that the abductor alien in britain tends to look more "aryan": tall and blond

According to my theory, the new invador in the imagination of americans and western people in general is the arab, coz we see so many images of arabs proclaiming war on the west, and coming to europe and US with their strange customs. therefore we should soon have reports of people reporting that they have been abducted by arab looking aliens

.here, i guess, is what such a typical report would be ( the abductee here is a woman):

i was on my bed when suddenly the room was flooded by a strange green light and two men appeared floating on a flying carpet. they were middle sized, swarthy skinned, with bushy eyebrows, bad beards and hooked noses, and waved their arms excitedly as they spoke. they grabbed me from the bed and shoved me on their carpet, which then flew at extraordinary speed.

soon we were on a sort of celestial highway, with thousands of other flying carpets. the traffic sometimes moved very fast, with the aliens overtaking each other in a very dangerous manner, and generally shouting insults at each other, and at other times there were immense traffic jams during which our carpet was immediately surrounded by alien children selling souvenirs, postal cards, car accessories which they shoved into my hands, saying they were gifts, after which they asked for money.

finally we reached a floating tent inside of which was gathered a large crowd. a bearded alien elder delivered a lengthy sermon in a strange guttural language, at the end of which i was told to convert to their religion. there followed a lengthy discussion as i said that i needed some time to reflect on this. they finally allowed me to return.

the return was uneventful except that one of the two aliens declared that he had meanwhile fallen in love with me, and called me habibi ( beloved) and asked me to be one of his wives. the other alien insisted that we stop at a shop belonging to his brother in law, and tried to sell me perfumes, amber beads, carpets and other souvenirs.

finally i was returned to my room, but they refused to go away unless i gave them a tip for their services.


Unknown said...

Si, prisonnier de notre réalité,on avait des gens en chair et en os pour nous en sortir! Cela arrive. Mais parfois on ne dispose pas d'un capital d'intelligence suffisant pour que ca dure aussi longtemps que le pain quotidien a faire petrir. Tu as oublie les anges. Il nous faut de l'amour, chantait-on aux dieux d'Offenbach.
Peut-être bien qu'avec l'oppression communautaire et religieuse que je ressens parfois profondement, ce que tu décris est un bon moyen d'éprouver autre chose que le silence d'un asile apparent. L'impression que certaines choses s'obtiennent et se décident injustement me fait parfois penser a d'obscures manœuvres de gens étrangers au "bien commun" et surtout a la logique qui le gouvernerait. Je n'ai pas assez de fantaisie pour penser au reste de l'univers et a des aliens inavouables. Je prefere designer des coupables qui sont des defendeurs qui gagneront le proces a coup sur.
C'est bete de penser que les choses vont mieux se passer dans la realite qui sommeille, d'au fond de sa desolation.
L'ennui, c'est ce que ca dit de nous memes. Bon allons...
Si tu te reveilles du bon pied demain tu verras que tout ce que nous ecrivons ici est parfaitement inutile et stupide. Tu n'es a pas arrive au stade final d'une maladie, non?
Ou alors n'es-tu pas plutôt en train de projeter un désir profond de dissociation migratoire, forcement contrainte par la bizarrerie du rêve, la dangerosite d'une telle perspective et l'engourdissement du au maintien bureaucratique quotidien, ce que suggère ce dédoublement d'avec la voluptueuse enlevée? Que signifie ta chute trébuchante et sonnante? N'es-tu pas en train de detourner un volet des Mille et une nuits? De changer la deco du du conte noir? Ton reve illustre-t-il la pauvrete de l'evasion culturelle, ou, pour un voyage qui n'en serait plus un, on vous reclamerait de l'argent, a cause de cette misere meme? Ou alors es-tu inconsciemment en train de te chercher un autre dieu car insatisfait de ton bapteme? Toutefois, la prudence ou la lachete sont de mise avec les questions touchant a la religion ou l'identite culturelle et a ses gardiens de nos jours. Ce sont des questions indiscutables et intransigeantes. Je ne sais pas si ce que j'ecris te semble assez serieux. J'ai moi meme l'impression d'etre devant dieu tout a coup car sans defense possible. Sinon toujours au pays des séquestrés?

pardon pour mes accents deficients

Unknown said...

Un peu d'espoir pour l'imbécile? http://www.litteratureaudio.com/livre-audio-gratuit-mp3/montaigne-sur-linconstance-de-nos-actions.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+litteratureaudio+%28Litterature+audio.com+-+Livres+audio+gratuits%29